Gmina Płaska

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  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union


Wysoki kontrast

Danowskie Route – Sucha Rzeczka

This route starts in the center of  Danowskie village, next to the culvert between Blizno and Blizienko lakes. There is also the beginning of the red route (to the Krusznik) and the blue route (to the Suwałki). What is more, it is also a part of the yellow route (Augustów-Mikaszówka). The route runs nearby Blizno, Tobołowo and Serwy lakes. There are few places of remembrance on our way, as well as a gastronomic and accommodation base. At the end of the route there is a sign placed on a huge populus in a place where asphaltic chaussee (Sucha Rzeczka-Żyliny-Płaska) become the green route (Augustów-Mikaszówka).

Route length: 19,7km

Time: 4h 55min

Route type: black

Activity type: walking

4h 55min
  • piesza

Sekcja 8

  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union
  • Gmina Płaska

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