Gmina Płaska

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  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union


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Rygol Water Power Plant

A seven-valve steel weir with iron and concrete abutments is installed on the Rygol River. It was built where the old weir was located, destroyed in 1948. It drains excess water from the Czarna Hancza River, which drains into the Marycha River through Szlamica, as well as Lake Głębokie and the border Lake Szlama, and then flows into the Nemunas. In Rygola, on an appropriately prepared section of the Shlamitsa, a private hydroelectric power plant was erected in 1990 to supply electricity to the surrounding villages.

Sekcja 8

  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union
  • Gmina Płaska

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