Gmina Płaska

Przejdź do głównej treśći
  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union


Wysoki kontrast

Important Places of remembrance in Gmina Płaska:

  • memorial monument of AK warriors in Sucha Rzeczka
  • two cemeteries from the time of WWI – in Macharce and Rudawka
  • there are plenty remembrance places in forests of Płaska Forest District, they are memorials of villagers who died while fighting the occupier, such as: graves of January Uprising insurgents and graves from WWII
  • WWII bunkers

Sekcja 8

  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union
  • Gmina Płaska

This website was made with the help of the European Union and its funds. Gmina Płaska is the only institution in charge of the website’s content and it can not be seen as the reflection of the European Union’s stance.