Gmina Płaska

Przejdź do głównej treśći
  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union


Wysoki kontrast

Podlaski Stork Route

The route runs from do Białowieża to the Stańczyk. The huge facilitation for the cyclists is a system of signboards located through the route. The biggest attraction of this route is the local resident – white stork. The signboards inform the tourists about its life and behaviours.

Route type: red

Activity type: cycling

  • rowerowa

Sekcja 8

  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union
  • Gmina Płaska

This website was made with the help of the European Union and its funds. Gmina Płaska is the only institution in charge of the website’s content and it can not be seen as the reflection of the European Union’s stance.