Gmina Płaska

Przejdź do głównej treśći
  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union


Wysoki kontrast

Route above Augustów Canal, trail nr 1

There are two variants of the route which leads along the Augustów Canal which was made in the first half of the XIX century along with its locks.

The course of the route: Białobrzegi – Sosnowo lock – Huta – Kolno lake – Białobrzegi (length:  37km)

Route length: 37km

Time: 4h

Route type: yellow

Activity type: cycling

  • rowerowa

Sekcja 8

  • PL-BY-UA 2014-2020
  • Funded by the European Union
  • Gmina Płaska

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